a city with snow

Western Canada

British Columbia

Facts about British Columbia

It is the size of France, Germany, and Holland combined and is located between the West Coast and the Rocky Mountains; its capital is the city of Victoria. Other major cities are Vancouver, Whistler, and Kelowna. In the south, it borders with the United States, in the north with the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories. It is one of the most attractive provinces in Canada for people to settle in.

Where can you work?

The provincial economy is home to various opportunities and industries, including technology, agriculture, construction, healthcare, manufacturing, educational and financial services, tourism, aviation, forestry and fishing, and mining.​

How to fly to British Columbia?
How to fly to British Columbia?
How to apply for a job in Vancouver?
How to apply for a job in Vancouver?

Summers on the coast are warm, with daytime temperatures around 20°C. Coastal regions have the mildest winters in Canada, and temperatures rarely drop below freezing. The interior and central areas have hotter summers, with temperatures in July often reaching 30°C or more. Winters are colder and snowier than in coastal regions. In the north, winters are long and cold, with lots of snow.

How can you immigrate?

The BC PNP consists of two main components: 1. Skills Immigration: This category is for workers and recent graduates who possess the skills, experience, and qualifications sought by employers in British Columbia. 2. Entrepreneur Immigration: This category is for experienced entrepreneurs who plan to establish and actively manage a business in the province.

How to visit Vancouver?
How to visit Vancouver?
How my family can immigrate to  British Columbia?
How my family can immigrate to  British Columbia?